Permanent & Fixed Term Contract Positions in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa


How Do I Apply?

All Job Applications & CV Registrations are Submitted via

Our Talent Portal

Create Profile - Complement Recruitment

Apply & Register

To Apply for an Advertised position, or Register your CV on our Talent Dashboard, Click the button above: "Submit My CV"
Upload Information CV - Complement Recruitment

Your Information

Fill in All the Required Information on the form, click "Add File' to Upload your Microsoft Word CV Only, (NB: No PDF's files are accepted)
Upload File - Profile Complete - Complement Recruitment


Once completed, Click "Submit". You will receive a confirmation email, you can also select the option for a copy of your responses

Apply for a Job or Send us your CV while you are on the move

Each Job Listing has a “Apply Now” button, or you can Click “Submit My CV” above, fill in all the fields and information required on the Candidate Form, click “Add File” attach your Microsoft Word CV then click “Submit” – and your Done! 

Don’t have your CV in MS Word? 

No problem, we have you covered with our Free CV Template as linked above.

To make the search easier for you, on the Jobs page you can Filter All Jobs by Keyword; Date Posted; Job Category and or Location. Click the “Show Sidebar” tab on the top left hand side of the screen, select your filter options, then click anywhere on the screen to view your selections.

Having trouble Uploading your CV?

Often the Cache on your Device needs to be cleared as a Google Safety precaution. Try Clearing the Cache on your device’s browser settings, then refresh or upload your .doc .docx File from a different folder or device.

How to Register and Create a Talent Profile 

When Liking and Shortlisting Jobs, the System will ask you to “Please Login In As A Candidate” To Apply by Default. You can do this, step by step as instructed below or the quicker option, click the “Register My CV” button above.

Step By Step Guide:

  1. Click on the “Register” button or Icon on the Top Right Menu bar of each page of our Website and select the “Candidate” Tab. Complete the fields and Sign-in with your email address. Login is for your second & future visits on the system.
  2. The Dashboard will then open up showing your recent Applications, Shortlisted Jobs by default.
  3. View the “Menu” bar on the Left hand side panel, and click on “Profile”.
  4. Fill in all the fields, and at the bottom of the page, in the “Candidate Tags” section, enter keywords that we can use for ATS (Applicant Tracking System) (eg. Developer; Java; Health and Safety; Engineering; Manufacturing; Finance etc). Then Click “Save Profile” and we are done!

When Liking and Shortlisting Jobs, the System will ask you to “Please Login In As A Candidate” To Apply by Default. You can do this, step by step as instructed below or by clicking “Download Guide” to save the step-by-step registration tutorial file. The quicker option, click the “Send CV” button above.

Step By Step Guide:

  1. Click on the “Register” button or Icon on the Top Right Menu bar of each page of our Website. Complete the fields and Sign-in with your email address. Login is for your second & future visits on the system.
  2. The Dashboard will then open up showing your recent Applications, Shortlisted Jobs by default.
  3. View the “Menu” bar on the Left hand side panel, and click on “Profile”.
  4. Fill in all the fields, and at the bottom of the page, in the “Candidate Tags” section, enter keywords that we can use for ATS (Applicant Tracking System) (eg. Developer; Java; Health and Safety; Engineering; Manufacturing; Finance etc). Then Click “Save Profile” – This is your basic information, we are almost done.
  5. The last step, Click on “My Resume” on the menu bar, just beneath the Profile tab, here you will Upload Your Updated Microsoft Word CV, complete the sections, experience etc, and again, “Save Resume”.

Your Profile is now Complete!

On your next visit to the Talent Dashboard, you will just use the Login with the email address and password used to register. You can Apply for advertised jobs, shortlist, update, amend or delete your information as you see fit. 

Sign up for job alerts, according to your Industry; Category and Location and select the frequency of emails you wish to receive.


Register your CV with Complement Recruitment for Future Vacancies

Upload your Microsoft Word CV Only and Tell us About Yourself

Sign Up to be listed & visible to employers, in our Talent Pool as below

Candidate - #EMJ

Infrastructure Manager

complement recruitment client contact education talent pipeline


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Overview


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Gender


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Location


Candidate - #WMC

National Brand Manager

complement recruitment client contact education talent pipeline


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Overview


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Gender


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Location

Cape Town

Candidate - #EFJ

BEng Mechanical

complement recruitment client contact education talent pipeline


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Overview


Complement Recruitment - Candidate Gender


Current Location
Complement Recruitment - Candidate Location


Leading organisations across South Africa and the globe want to streamline their recruitment processes to make it more efficient for the hiring and onboarding process. This transformation results in a ready to adapt culture, for all parties, including the recruiter, line managers and the company. Ultimately creating a cohesive strategy, and in due course, the right placement and the right fit.

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The Future of Recruitment, AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the workplace as well as How Your Social Media can Affect an Employers Decision.